【2019 Fall】Toyo University International Students (Re-admission)
Proxy Application for Certificate of Eligibility for Residence Status (COE)
If you are officially accepted to reenter Toyo University yet you do not have a residence status in Japan, Toyo University will apply to the Immigration Bureau for the issuance of your “Certificate of Eligibility for Residence Status” (hereinafter “COE”) on your behalf.
This page is for the submission of the application documents for the COE. If we find any problems with your documents, we will contact you via email, so please check it regularly.
Please submit all the required documents by the deadline below.
The process takes about one and a half months or more for the Bureau of Immigration to complete depending on your country and region.
Once we receive your COE, we will send it to your mailing address. You will then use the COE to apply for your visa at the nearest Japanese consulate or embassy in your country of residence.
<Submission Deadline(書類提出期間)>
Same as the due date of your admission procedure (Japan Time)
Application for the COE_Fall 2019
Sample Application for the COE_Fall 2019
記入例 Application for Certificate of Eligibility Fall 2019
After entering all the necessary information, click “確認画面へ.” All the information you have entered up is displayed. Please check the following items. If any corrections or changes are needed, press “戻る” button on the screen. If everything is OK, click “送信する” button to register the information you have entered.
問合わせ先/For inquires, please contact: coe@tugs.co.jp
Application Form(申込フォーム)
- 申し込みフォーム